The player can choose to kill or avoid these creatures, but killing them will result in a loss of honor. While most of these creatures are harmless, the T-Rex can be aggressive and will attack anything that moves. These include the Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Ankylosaurus. Red Dead Redemption 2 features a number of different dinosaurs, which can be found in various locations across the game world. The game also features a morality system, which allows the player to gain or lose honor points based on their actions.

The player can interact with the environment and NPCs, and can engage in combat with enemies using a variety of weapons. The game is played from a third-person perspective and features an open world environment. As the gang begins to disintegrate, Arthur must choose between his loyalty to the gang and his own personal code of honor. The game follows the story of Arthur Morgan, an outlaw and member of the Van der Linde gang. The story is set in America in 1899, 12 years before the events of the previous game.

The game is a prequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption, and the third installment in the Red Dead series. Once Deborah obtains the details from Arthur, she’ll be on her way to unearth the bones.Red Dead Redemption 2 is an action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. Sending off their locations can be done after finding all 30 or mid-way, but sending their locations is how Arthur will receive rewards for his findings. After agreeing to help her, Arthur will be obligated to send Deborah scribbled coordinates to the bones. When you first see Deborah, she will be busy unearthing a bone next to an empty wagon. South of the H in Heartlands and the badger drawing, there should be a stranger marker. After that, every 15 dinosaur bones will be exchanged for a reward, so you'll receive three rewards in total. Players will get one reward after they send their first location. However, players will only be rewarded after they've been in contact with MacGuiness. It’s possible to find dinosaur bones before meeting the paleontologist. RELATED: Fan Makes Impressive Red Dead Redemption Clone In Just A Week.To start collecting, you will need to speak to Deborah MacGuiness, a paleontologist who needs help finding the dinosaur bones. From the outskirts of Tumbleweed to the edges of Annesburg, these bones are everywhere. They serve as collectibles that are hidden throughout the map. Players can find 30 dinosaur bones in the vast world of Red Dead Redemption 2.